Integer Programming

The course will provide a comprehensive treatment of integer optimization including theory, algorithms and applications at the introductory graduate level. Some specific topics to be covered are: Modeling & Formulations, Polyhedral Theory, Complexity, Optimization & Separation, Relaxations, Dynamic Programming, Branch & Bound, Cutting Planes, Lagrangian Duality.

Mathematical maturity at the level of a beginning graduate student will be assumed. Familiarity with reading and writing mathematical proofs and basic knowledge in Linear Algebra are required. Prior coursework in Linear Programming and Graph Theory will be helpful.

Homeworks, Exams

Midterm and Final will be in-class written exams. Homeworks will be assigned on Thursdays. Solutions will be due on the Thursday of the following week before the beginning of the lecture. Strict due dates will be enforced. Homework submision should have each problem starting in a fresh page and the submission should be stapled. Electronic submission through email will be accepted provided it is in pdf format. You are welcome to discuss the course material with your colleagues, but no collaboration or other solution sources are allowed on the problems assigned for homework, midterm or final. Mathematical correctness and clarity of exposition will be factors in grading.

Typesetting homework solutions (in 10pt or higher font) is encouraged. Figures and math formulae may be drawn by hand in black ink.


The following is a tentative list of lectures. Subject to change.